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The Art of Translation
Patrick John Corness
Dr Patrick John Corness
Silver Medallist, Faculty of Philosophy,
Charles University Prague
Academic Slavist, Writer/Researcher
Literary translator into English
from Czech, German, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian.
Literary translation studies researcher.
PhD (Warwick) in Literary Translation Studies
Formerly Principal Lecturer in Russian and German, Director of Research Centre for IT in Language Learning, Coventry University (retired in 2000)
Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Translation Studies, University of Leeds (2001-2011)
Visiting Professor of Translation, School of Humanities, Coventry University (2014-2023)
Member of CLaC
(Corpus Linguistics at Coventry)
View below Prague Castle: Malá strana district
est europa nunc unita et unita maneat.
una in diversitate pacem mundi augeat.
semper regant in europa fides et iustitia
et libertas populorum in maiore patria.
cives, floreat europa, opus magnum vocat vos.
stellae signa sunt in caelo aureae, quae iungant nos
Lesya Ukrainka mural
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Lutsk
Photo Patrick John Corness, 2018
Knihami jsme spojeni s duchy všech národů a dob. [Through books we are united with the spirits of all nations and all times] Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk
Ні! я жива! Я буду вічно жити!
Я в серці маю те, що не вмирає.
Леся Українка, Лісова пісня, 1911
No! I'm alive! And I shall live for ever!
What in my heart I have shall be immortal!
Lesya Ukrainka, The Song of the Forest, 1911
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