The Art of Translation
Patrick John Corness
Parallel Translation Corpora
Patrick Corness. A computer tool for cross-linguistic research (incorporates a comparison of Czech and Lithuanian translations of George Orwell's 1984)
Lexis in contrast: corpus-based approaches. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 2002, 307-326
Patrick Corness, ed. Czech/Lithuanian Parallel Translation Corpus. 2003. Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Centre of Computational Linguistics:
Also incorporated in the InterCorp project at the Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague.
František Čermák, Patrick Corness, Aleš Klégr, eds.
InterCorp: exploring a multilingual corpus (proceedings of InterCorp Conference, Prague, Sept 17th-19th 2009). Praha, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny.
This volume includes:
Patrick Corness. Shifts in Czech translations of the reporting verb said in English fiction., pp. 159-176
2013, September
Patrick John Corness. Čtyřjazyčný překladový korpus
[Tetralingual Translation Corpus Czech/English/German/Russian)]. Presentation [in Czech] at InterCorp Workshop, Charles University in Prague, 6th September 2013
Czech PDF version of the presentation:
English PDF version of the presentation:
Patrick John Corness, Lithuanian counterparts of Czech possibility/probability particles: the evidence of a parallel corpus.
Radost z jazyků: Sborník příspěvků k 75. narozeninám prof. Františka Čermáka
[The joy of languages: a collective volume in honour of the 75th birthday of Prof. František Čermák]. Praha, Lidové noviny, 5th February 2015, 201-214.